Yes, Pompoir is not only for women, although the exercises are not the same, the principle is the same, such exercises will strengthen the muscles of the pelvic region, causing increased circulation and consequently bigger erection, increased sensitivity and pleasure and also a better control of erection. The exercises are to strengthen the muscles of the anal region. You can use weights to tie the erect penis and try to raise them and lower them for it needing a lot of concentration, the weights can be increased as you evolve. Do not forget that the penis is composed of muscles and all muscle when working increases and you have a greater control of him.

- Exercise 1: The basic exercise is called Kegel, which consists in stopping the flow of urine. It's simple, while urinating stop the flow and then let it flow again, interrupting a few more times.

- Exercise 2: Contraction of the anus muscles, tighten four times, and the fifth time close it completely, harder, wait a few seconds and release. The natural tendency is to contract the buttocks, belly and thighs. The necessary contraction is just the anus, the rest of the body should be completely relaxed. Do this exercise for at least 30 to 50 days 5 to 10 times a day.

- Exercise 3: Moving the pelvis. The purpose of this exercise is to learn the correct motion of the pelvis, combined with natural breathing. These movements are essential for sexual intercourse, many people fail to isolate and move the pelvis, this method is very simple and efficient. Lie on your back on a firm surface. Bend your knees until your heel gets caught underneath the knees, keep the sole of the foot flat against this surface. The space between the knees should be the width of your hips. Let your hands resting next to his body. Exhale and lift your pelvis, making an arc with the back, and when you inhale, return to previous position. Repeat this movement 3-5 minutes every day. Leave the top of your body totally relaxed, and make movements as if they were waves on your spine. These movements loosen your body, and help to awaken the natural movement of orgasm. Once you are familiar with and practice this movement, add more intensity, together making contractions of the muscles you exercised before.

- Exercise 4: Standing naked in front of a mirror, pull your pubis several times and observe the movements of the penis. The more the muscle is strengthened, the more vigorous the penile movements will be.

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